Senin, 19 Maret 2012

\n/ I S O X I I I P A 1 \n/

hell-o bloggers
how are you daring :D hha

long time no write on my digital diary, et's digital journal (y)
well, I wanna share some photos in this entry.
read my title? \n/I S O X I I I P A 1\n/ yeah, it's my class at this year, twelve grades.

let's check it out my photos,

                         it's ISO Class name made by scrabble
                          ISO time, "balibur" at penyandingan
                                         Ikhsan house :)

                            Cherrybelle style hahaha, so unyu

                         made in front of the classroom learning 

                                 so blur, taken by phone cell
                                            but, nice (y)

                     ISO Semi Musical Comedy Theater at GSG
                                     "Gedung Serba Guna"
                               it's a success theater I ever join

so love you, guys :)

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